You must have probably heard someone saying "she left her boy friend, went home and got married" i heard it too but there is more to it than you'v been told. They were together for about 3years and in this their 3years of dating, she has been a sister, a friend, a lover, a mother, and a helper to the one she loves, she cook his meal, wash and iron his clothes, clean his home, cheer him up in his deepest moments, share his pains; the list was endless... She was more of a wife than a girl friend and he on the other hand was caring, faithful and suportive to her too, he gives her monthly allowances, shop for her and sheltered her. He was her friend, her father and her boyfriend here in the island, sounds too good right? well its got its disgusting part too... He could be very hot tempered, beating her up to a stupor is the least he could do whenever she enraged or angered him, he beats her so much sometimes that one would wonder if he ever loved her, this is purely domestic violence and no woman deserves to be beating up by a man no matter the condition or cause, if your boy friend already have the guts to beat you up in an ordinary dating relationship, what then happens when he gets married to you??? This alone should make you run, run for your dear life before he disfigures your body and make what used to be a pretty face become history, who wants to know if you were once beautiful or not? who cares about the cause of your newly aquired deformed figure or face if you alow one guy put scars all over you??? That aside, we women needs assurance, our spinachs usally don't stay too long in the market before it loose its freshness, there comes a time when you need that assurance that you'v got someone to fall back on, you dont want to give your all to a relationship that no one is talking about a future for the both of you, she loves him so she refused to accept any other although one man out of the many
was never giving up, for this particular reason, she asked to be proposed to at least to send an "am already taken" to 'em never giving up guys but he wasn't ready and the never giving up man made a faster move by gradually winning her attention, trust sharp men that knows what they want, he wasted no time in popping out the question. Dear readers, if na you nko??? Would you rather stick to a guy who beats you and yet does not plan or picture you in his future or let go of a serious young man who has been confessing his undying love for you and yet takes it to the next level by proposing to you??? Need i not forget to tell you that she didnt abandoned her boyfriend to go marry another man because by the time she said yes, they were already having issues and she told him that he was too late, ofcourse you dont know the value of what you have until its no longer yours and the used to be diamond that have suddenly turn metal to you will still appear diamond to another person who knows its worth. now you know the real gist so stop casting and free her name, let her enjoy the good life she's just starting. Sweetheart, i wish you the very best in your holy matrimony, you both will be so perfect together that new couples will look up to the two of you and say, "can we be like them." To my male viewers, do you feel your girlfriend of a long or short time relationship is already too old fashioned or dry for you to stick to? Is your eyes on a new girl that you wish to replace her with? its not a bad idea at all, just so you know, that new girl is some guy's old girl or ex too, you heard? the way she looks new to you is exactly the same way your suposed dry looking girl friend will look in the eye of another guy so be wise and stop been silly, you dont like her new dress sense, tell her to change her wardrobe, is it her hair, be romantic and select hair styles for her, your sexually experience with her is no longer thrilling or exciting yeah' is that it? Oh! Stop been ridiculously stupid, its your fault not her's so get creative and stop complaining. To my ladies, that you are no longer single or serching is not a reason to start looking funny, you should even get more tushed up for him, that way, he will guard you jelously because he knows that a million people will be ready to take his space if he effs up and please, ejor, biko, please... am not saying you shouldnt speak up when neccessary but becareful not to over do it, dont nagg your boy friend or man to death i know we are good at it but it piss them off, dont say i didnt warn you...
Thanks for coming around today, hope to see you tomorrow,..,,,.... adios