As a Nigerian, i dont really know much about Halloweens, its not a part of our culture and i've never witnessed it live except in the movies, horror movies to be precise because i love horror. I'v never been so scared in my entire life like last night; i missed the school bus so i decided to take the long walk from school back home because there was no money on me to take a taxi, as i was battling with the cold and the thought of the long distance i had to walk before getting home, i saw a sight that almost got me paralised; it was someone on a zombie costume, when i first saw the shadow from a distance, i felt a cold shiver but then, i comported myself and tried to be the bold, courageous and fearless me so i continued my trecking untill it came closer and then all the memories from the movies i've watched about vampires and zombies came to live in my head, the cold immediately vanished and i started sweating profusously, i couldnt move, it was just as if something seized my legs, i just stood there waiting for the worst to happen, As i flashed back to the movie about the endtime i had watched on youtube somedays ago, i felt a hot liquid rolling down my legs and sudenly i regained a bit of strenght and a faint voice came from within me pleading to the now so closed zombie not to hurt me, to make matters worse, he laughed and said something in he's language i guess because i'v never heard such before, then i closed my eyes, just when i thought he was going to kill me, he drew closer and whisperd, it's Halloween... I'm just waking up from the shock now.
lol funny story so you didnt go as anything then